Valve World Young Engineer Program – 4 December 2024

Young Valve Professionals
Young valve professionals

The Valve World Young Engineer Program is designed to introduce valves, valve industries and related fields to young engineers and students.

Participants will receive a comprehensive overview of the valve industry, including its significance, market trends and technological advancements. This will help them understand the context and importance of their role within the industry.

The Young Engineer Program aims to attract top talent and contribute to the industry’s continued growth and innovation by providing structured and comprehensive valve knowledge. It includes valve lectures, discussion sessions and exhibition tours to help train and develop the next generation of valve engineers.

Throughout the program, participants will receive support for their career development, including guidance on setting career goals, accessing further education or certifications and exploring advancement opportunities within the valve industry.

The program is focused on students and engineers 30 years of age or younger, or those with less than 5 years of working experience in the valve industry. However, all other interested and motivated engineers are also welcome to participate in and contribute to the program’s activities.

Part 1 / 10:30-12:00

Introduction to valves

  1. Presentation and explanation about valves, types of valves, components, materials, applications and new demands.
    Moderator: David Anderson, Score Group
  2. Participants will be divided into groups and visit companies on the Expo floor. Each group will be led by an experienced valve specialist.

Part 2 / 13:30 – 14:45

Interactive discussion

Moderator: Muktiadi Rahardjo, Shell

  1. Expo visit highlights: Participants will share their key takeaways and insights from the Expo tour, creating a collaborative learning environment where everyone can benefit from each other’s experiences.
  2. Case studies / debates: Create teams and conduct debates on current challenges and future trends in the valve industry. Topics may include: reducing carbon emissions, and seized or stuck valves: potential root causes and solutions. This engaging activity will encourage critical thinking, problem-solving and the exchange of ideas among participants.

The Valve World Young Engineer Program is created through the cooperation of David Anderson, Score Group; Muktiadi Rahardjo, Shell; Alberto Seveso, Neway; Tony Smart, Neway; and Wojciech Zmudzinski, BP.

Are you younger than 30 years old? Have you been in the valve industry for less than 5 years? Join the Valve World Young Engineer Program on Wednesday, 4 December. The registration fee is €95, which includes participation in the Young Engineer Program and free access to the Conference & Expo on 4 December.

The first 50 students to register for the Young Engineer Program will be invited to join for free. Be among the first 50 students to take advantage of this free registration opportunity and kick-start your career in the valve industry!

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact:

Kiyo Ichikawa
Conference Manager
Tel: +31 575 789 2964